other, others, the other, another

2022. 6. 9. 09:35Grammar/Word Class



Other | General Meaning

[adjective] denoting a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about; further or additional:

  • Stick the camera on a tripod or some other means of support.
  • One other word of advice.

[pronoun] a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about; a further or additional person or thing of the type aleady mentioned:

  • A topic unrelated to any other.
  • She is the author of five books and collaborated on four others. (as a pronoun, other has a plural form)


Other | Determiner

* determiner is one that determines (such as an article, possessive, demonstrative, or quantifier) that makes specific the denotation of a noun phrase


"Other" is used with singular uncountalbe or plural nouns:

  • The English website has general information about English grammar. Other information on how to practice speaking alone at home can be obtained as well. (additional or extra information)
  • Some movies calm people; other movies has the opposite effect. (different types of music)
  • This one is too small. Do you have it in other sizes? (alternative sizes)


Determiner + other

If we use "other" before a singular countable noun, we must use another determiner before it:

  • I don’t like the yellow one. I prefer the other color.
  • David is married; our other son is still single.
  • He can speak English like native speaks of English. No other learner has ever gotten to the same level.
  • There’s one other thing we need to talk about before we finish.


The other

The other | General Meaning 

[determiner] denoting the person or thing that remains or that has not been shown or mentioned yet:

  • This computer here is new. The other computer is about six years old. (the other with a singular noun)
  • David and Sue are here, but where are the other kids? (the other with plural nouns)

[pronoun] the person or thing that remains or that has not been shown or mentioned yet:

  • I held on with one hand and waved with the other. Each of them looked at the other. 
  • An opposite place or thing We moved from one side of town to the other.



Another | General Meaning

[determiner] used to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about; one more; a further:

  • Have another drink.
  • Come back another day.

We use another with singular nouns:

  • Would you like another cup of coffee?
  • I don’t like this café. Is there another café around here we could go to?

[pronoun] an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about:

  • BIGBANG is another of his favorite singers in Korea.
  • They kept moving from one place to another.


Other, others, the other or another | typical errors

When other is a determiner, it does not have a plural form:

  • Those boxes are for glassess. The other boxes are for computers.

When "other" as a pronoun refers to more than one person or thing, it takes the plural form, "others":

  • If he treats me differently than others, I'm sure it's because we are married.

Other must have a determiner before it when it comes in front of a singular countable noun. If the noun is indefinite (e.g. a book, a woman, an idea), we use another:

  • No, try this other credit card instead. I think it's okay. 
  • You’ll have to ask my other half.
  • Let me fire up another window.
  • Many years later I returned to Africa but that’s another story.

Another is singular. We don’t use it with plural nouns:

  • It capped yet another flawless performance from Kim and another record-breaking day.


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