All Usage of That

2022. 5. 28. 16:34Grammar/Word Class



시간 혹은 거리상 떨어진 사람, 사물, 아이디어 등을 가리키는 데 사용된다:

  • I’ve never liked that friend of his.
  • Who’s that? Is that the guy you told me about?
  • How much is that shirt?
  • Her handwriting is like that(= the handwriting) of a kid.

이전에 언급한 내용을 가리킬 때 혹은 이미 알고 있는 내용을 언급할 때 사용된다:

  • Where’s that knife(= the one I was using earlier) gone?
  • He bought that house(= you know which one I mean) last year.
  • I opened that bank account when I settled down in Seoul.
  • Don’t shout at that dog, Dabin.
  • I’m a bit confused. Was that his wife or his daughter he was with?



무언가를 보고하거나 부연 설명을 하는 절과 함께 사용된다. 구체적인 의미를 갖고 있지 않아서 문장 내에서 자주 생략된다:

  • I think (that) English is an important language.
  • Is it true (that) he’s gone back to normal?
  • I will be there till noon, provided (that) there’s not much traffic.
  • The phone is so cheap (that) anybody would purchase it.
  • The water is so clear that you can see the bottom.
  • I’m sorry that I didn’t make it in time yesterday.



구체적으로 어느 사람 혹은 사물을 가르킬 때 동사의 주어 혹은 목적어로 사용된다. 또한, 언급된 사람 혹은 사물에 대해서 부연 설명을 할 때 사용되는 데 자주 생략 되기도 한다:

  • I can’t find my phone (that) I bought last week.
  • Is this the bus that goes to Seoul?
  • Have you ever been to Thailand that is one of the most popular countries in the world?
  • Where’s the string that ties books together?
  • The work (that) you do during the course will definitely count to your final degrees.

이전에 언급한 것과 관련 지을 때 사용된다:

  • I was stuck in a huge traffic jam. That’s why I’m too late.
  • Sujin worked out how to solve it. That’s Sujin for you(= She can solve anything).

무언가에 대한 반응을 표현 할 때 사용된다:

  • Wow, Koreans celebrate Halloween. That’s so cool.
  • I know there is something happening tonight. Oh, that’s right! The party.
  • I’ve done twice as much today as yesterday! Well, that’s more like it!
  • Michael had told him off. That’s why he was so angry.



as much as suggested:

  • She is too old to walk that far.
  • He wasn't all that.
  • It is not that easy.
  • They haven't got that much time.
  • She can't really eat that much.

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