sam cat-hospital

2022. 5. 29. 23:29Get Fluent/Get Fluent with Youtube


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A trip to the hospital is anything but ordinary for Sam and Cat!

[동영상 출처: 유튜브]




00:00 [beeping]
00:02 [laughing]
00:06 [music playing]
00:07 [laughing]
00:14 [cawing]
00:17 [laughing]
00:21 Is the coast clear?
00:23 Yes, why do you think I said cacaw, cacaw?
00:27 Well I don't know what cacaw cacaw means!
00:29 - I just wanna find the shoe! - Then let's find the shoe!
00:33 [laughing]
00:34 [music playing]
00:41 [gasping]
00:45 Dang it!
00:47 Nothing on her feet.
00:49 Except that sore.
00:50 [laughing]
00:52 Hey, you check under the bed, I'll check this thing over here.
00:54 [gasping]
00:56 Hello, nurse.
00:58 Doctor.
00:59 - How are her vitals? - Stable.
01:01 - Temperature. - Normal.
01:02 - Respiratory rate? - Steady.
01:03 - How's the fever? - About the same.
01:05 - Does she have a vivensky? - Comes and goes.
01:08 That's what I figured.
01:09 [laughing]
01:10 [applause]
01:14 - How did you know what to say? - I've put a lot of people in hospitals.
01:18 [laughing]
01:19 - Now hurry, let's find the shoe. - Yes!
01:22 Go!
01:24 [clattering]
01:27 [laughing]
01:31 [laughing]
01:35 Oh, I found it!
01:37 [screaming]
01:41 Wait, ssh, ssh, ssh!
01:44 Oh, my gosh!
01:46 [stammering]
01:47 What's the situation?
01:49 [laughing]
01:50 Er...
01:52 I'm your nurse.
01:53 Here to check your... stuff.
01:56 [laughing]
01:57 My stuff?
02:00 Yeah... how you feeling?
02:02 My skull feels a little sore.
02:05 Ah, yes.
02:06 That's because your head was impacted by the verdiginal oompa loompa...
02:12 [laughing]
02:14 - Oh, my, that sounds serious. - Thank you.
02:17 [laughing]
02:18 Say... who's she?
02:20 Her?
02:21 She's er... she's your... friend!
02:25 Who came to visit you!
02:26 I have a friend?
02:28 Oh!
02:30 My head injury must be super severe, I don't even recognize you!
02:34 Well...
02:35 I'm... um...
02:39 - Can I tell her my real name? - No, don't tell her your real name!
02:42 OK, OK.
02:43 Well I'm...
02:46 I'm Sam Puckett!
02:48 [laughing]
02:50 The one time she gets the last name right.
02:53 [laughing]
02:54 Sam...
02:56 Sam...
02:58 [laughing]
03:00 I'm not sure I remember you.
03:03 Well, why don't you remind Stacey how you two know each other!
03:07 OK, well... you're in my class in high school.
03:12 Science or social studies?
03:14 [laughing]
03:15 Science.
03:17 [laughing]
03:18 Wait...
03:20 I'm not in high school anymore.
03:24 Well...
03:25 I graduated from Pacific Coast Academy several years ago!
03:30 [mumbling]
03:31 Now I'm in college.
03:32 I'm a Sophomore at San Francisco State!
03:35 [laughing]
03:36 No you're not.
03:37 [laughing]
03:38 Wait...
03:39 Why are you holding my special pink shoe?
03:41 [laughing]
03:43 You gave it to me for... for prom.
03:47 [laughing]
03:48 That's false!
03:50 I'm calling the head nurse!
03:52 Oh, Sam, do you think we're gonna be in trouble?
03:54 Assistance!
03:56 Someone!
03:57 - Assistance! - Alright, what's happening?
03:59 Make her give me my shoe!
04:00 No!
04:01 [stammering]
04:05 [glass smashing]
04:08 Get well soon!
04:10 [laughing]
04:12 Nurse, what is your name?
04:16 Sally Meatballs.
04:18 [glass smashing]
04:19 [laughing]
04:22 Have a good Throbbing Moon.
04:24 Nona, Nona!
04:26 Where's my Nona?
04:28 Er... excuse me, we're looking for a lady elderly.
04:30 Red hair, tells long stories that nobody wants to hear.
04:35 [laughing]
04:36 Cat, over here!
04:38 Nona, did you get my text?
04:39 Yes, but tell me, what does SMS mean?
04:43 Suck My Sandwich, where's the pilot?
04:45 [laughing]
04:46 Well, I'll call him.
04:47 Stank!
04:49 Stank?
04:51 Mm-hmm.
04:52 Sam and Cat, this is my friend and fellow elderly, Stank Maxwell.
04:58 This is my grand-daughter.
04:59 Yeah, yeah, great to meet you, are you sure he's famous?
05:01 [laughing]
05:03 Oh, my goodness, yes!
05:04 Back in the 80s, he was all over the news!
05:07 He even had his own breakfast cereal, Shredded Stank.
05:11 [laughing]
05:13 So, er, Captain...
05:15 Stank.
05:17 We were hoping you'd let us shoot a video of you
05:19 saying this word, lumpatious.
05:20 - It'll just take one second. - And we promise we're gonna make it--
05:22 - Girls, girls, girls! - What?
05:24 Stank can't talk!
05:27 Huh?
05:28 Why can't he talk?
05:29 Because when he landed that plane, the impact was so hard
05:33 that he bit right through his tongue!
05:35 [laughing]
05:37 Where's his tongue?
05:40 [laughing]
05:42 Oh, man!
05:44 His tongue's in a jar!
05:46 [laughing]
05:47 I'm gonna have to drink sweat!
05:49 [screaming]
05:53 You're a tongue less hero.
05:55 [laughing]
05:57 Thank you!
06:00 Woohoo!
06:05 Woah!
06:06 [laughing]
06:08 Not the weirdest thing I've walked in on here.
06:10 Sam, hi!
06:12 What's up with the er... that?
06:16 I'm babysitting!
06:18 I don't see a kid?
06:19 [laughing]
06:24 I guess he must have left.
06:26 [laughing]
06:27 So you wanna tell me why you're up there?
06:29 Well, I was at the supermarket and I met a man there named Chico.
06:34 [laughing]
06:35 Go on...
06:36 He told me he had a toolbox in his van.
06:39 Loving this story.
06:40 [laughing]
06:41 So I invited Chico here!
06:43 Smart!
06:45 And then I asked him if he could hang my bike from the ceiling
06:48 and he did it!
06:50 [laughing]
06:51 That was five hours ago!
06:52 [laughing]
06:55 Please help me down.
06:56 [laughing]
06:57 Yup.
07:01 [crashing]
07:02 [groaning]
07:09 - Thanks. - Sure.
07:10 [laughing]
07:12 So... what are you doing?
07:14 Oh... you know, just... getting us these!
07:18 - Tickets? - Uh-huh!
07:20 Well are they to something?
07:22 [laughing]
07:23 Yep, they're free tickets to ride all the roller coasters
07:25 at Mystic Mountain on Saturday night!
07:28 - What? Seriously? - Seriously!
07:30 [laughing]
07:31 Oh, but...
07:33 I thought Mystic Mountain got shut down
07:35 'cause the roller coasters have mechanical difficulties
07:37 and lots of people got hurt?
07:39 Yeah, but they think they got most of 'em fixed!
07:42 So before Mystic Mountain reopens,
07:44 they wanna test the roller coasters on humans!
07:47 Oh, we're humans!
07:48 [laughing]
07:49 But... why would we wanna ride roller coasters that could be dangerous?
07:53 'Cause we don't have to wait in line!
07:55 I accept that risk!
07:57 Woo!
08:00 Hey, hey! Heavy object coming in!
08:02 Wow!
08:05 Nice box!
08:06 [laughing]
08:07 - Why'd you bring it in here? - Oh, and get it outta here!
08:10 [laughing]
08:11 - This isn't just a box! - Not just a box!
08:14 - It's a magic box! - Magic... box...
08:22 [laughing]
08:24 There's only like a dozen magic boxes like this in the whole world!
08:28 Cool, how does it work?
08:29 Well, whatever and whoever I put in the box...
08:34 Disappears!
08:35 Oh, I love how he does this... when he says disappears!
08:40 [laughing]
08:41 - Come on, lemme show you how it works. - OK.
08:46 OK!
08:47 Sam, you wanna be my volunteer?
08:49 No!
08:51 I'll be it!
08:52 Pick me!
08:53 I wanna be in the trick!
08:54 Over here, I volunteer!
08:57 I'm eager to participate!
08:59 OK, OK!
09:02 Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this box of mystery!
09:07 Now, sir, if you'll please step inside the box.
09:11 I will!
09:12 [laughing]
09:15 And now I will shut the door thusly.
09:19 Oh, I used to have a dog named Thusly.
09:21 - Oh, you did? - No, I made that up.
09:23 [laughing]
09:25 - Come on, Goomer, just get in the box! - Oh, it hurts!
09:28 - You're pushing too hard! - No, you're too big!
09:30 I don't think it's gonna work!
09:32 [screaming]
09:33 Oh, alright, get out, get out!
09:36 [groaning]
09:37 [laughing]
09:39 May I have another volunteer?
09:41 - I'll do it! - Goomer!
09:42 [laughing]
09:44 Well I'll do it.
09:45 Thank you, Ms. Valentine.
09:47 Now if you'll please step inside the box.
09:49 OK, here, I'm in.
09:51 Show off.
09:52 Now I shut the magic door of closure!
09:55 [locks clanking]
09:58 And next!
09:59 Sam, will you help me say the magic words?
10:03 No.
10:04 [laughing]
10:07 Shazam!
10:08 And now...
10:10 [locks clanking]
10:11 I open the box!
10:16 [laughing]
10:18 I say...
10:19 I open the box!
10:23 It seems er...
10:26 Something's wrong with the padlock, why won't this thing open?
10:29 [growling]
10:30 [laughing]
10:32 It won't open!
10:33 Ha, I love it, can we get my mom in there?
10:36 [laughing]
10:37 Here, let me try.
10:39 [groaning]
10:47 This broke.
10:48 [laughing]
10:50 Cat?
10:51 Yeah?
10:53 You er...
10:55 Might be in there for a while.
10:57 [banging]
10:58 I hope there's a magic toilet in there.
11:00 [laughing]




the coast is clearused to mean that someone can go somewhere or do something without being caught or seen because no one is in the areaㅣ들킬[붙잡힐] 위험이 없다, 진행해도 된다ㅣOK, the coast is clear. You can come out now! 아무도 없어. 지금 나오삼!

thenin that case; thereforeㅣ그러면[그렇다면]ㅣIf you miss that train then you’ll have to get a taxi. 그 기차를 놓치면 그러면 택시를 타야 할 것이다.

dang itused to show that one is angry or annoyedㅣ쳇. 젠장 (Damn it의 완곡한 표현)ㅣDang it! I overcooked the toast 쳇! 토스트를 태웠어!

comes and goes l exist or be present for a limited time; be transitoryㅣ나타났다 사라졌다 하다 l The pain in my leg comes and goes. 내 다리에 통증이 있다가 없다가 한다. 

put somebody in hospitalswhen someone hurts another person so badly that the victim ends up in the hospitalㅣ병원 신세를 지게하다ㅣI've put a lot of people in hospitals. 나 때문에 많은 사람이 병원 신세를 졌다.       

mustexpressing an opinion about something that is logically very likelyㅣ(틀림없이) ...일 것이다ㅣthere must be something wrong. 무슨 일이 있나 봐. 

must have pp[과거분사]used when we have a stronger opinion about what happenedㅣ(틀림없이) ...이었을 것이다ㅣI must've unknowingly grown attached to him. 내가 알게 모르게 그와 정이 들었던 모양이다. 

make somebody do[원형부정사]to force someone to act in a particular wayㅣ(...로 하여금 ...을 하게) 하다ㅣshe always makes me laugh. 그녀는 항상 나를 웃게 만든다. 

get well soonto express hope that the listener will soon recover from illnessㅣ쾌유를 빌다

so adjective[adverb] (that) clauseused to express both the cause and the result of a situation in a sentenceㅣ너무 ...해서 ...는 ...하다ㅣthe impact was so hard that he bit right through his tongue! 충격이 너무 커서 그는 혀를 깨물었다!

superlative[최상급] present perfect[현재완료] + everto express emphasisㅣthis is the best sushi I've ever eaten. 내가 먹어본 초밥중에 최고다. 

what's up with somebody[something]what is the reason for something or what is wrong with somebody[something]ㅣ왜 그러는 거야, 무슨 문제 있어ㅣwhat's up with that? 그건 뭐야?

get something pp[과거분사]cause something to be doneㅣ(...가 ...이 되게) 하다ㅣI got my hair cut this morning. 난 오늘 아침 이발을 했다. 

wouldused to say a possible reason or motiveㅣwhy would I do that? 내가 왜 그걸 해야되는데?

thuslyin this manner, thusㅣ이와 같이ㅣthe review was conducted thusly. 검토가 이와 같이 이루어졌다. 


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