If or Whether?

2022. 4. 3. 13:02Grammar/Conjunction


간접 의문문

‘Yes-no’ 질문과 ‘or’를 포함하는 질문을 간접 화법 형식으로 사용할 때 ‘if / whether’를 사용한다. ‘If’를 ‘whether’보다 구어체에서는 더 흔히 사용한다:

  • If you hold the line, I’ll see if she is available.
  • I wanted to know if it would be possible if you could do a live visit with me.
  • They asked them if they would prefer a son or daughter.
  • Call the bakeries aournd town and find out if any of them sell raspberry pies.

격식있는 상황에서는 ‘whether’를 흔히 사용한다:

  • They deliberated on whether to continue with the talks.
  • We all need to discuss whether the asylum laws should be changed.
  • The teachers will be asked whether they would recommend the book to their classes.

간접 의문문에서 또 다른 대안이 있는 경우 ‘whether + or’를 사용한다:

  • It is immaterial to me whether he stays or goes.
  • After the election, we asked whether the parties should change their leaders, their policies, or both.

대안을 표현할 때 ‘whether or not / whether ~ or not’ 혹은 ’if ~ or not’를 사용한다:

  • It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice. (= It reamins to be seen whether this idea can be put into practice or not.
  • It remains to be seen if this idea can be put into practice or not.

미래의 계획이나 결정을 할 때 오직 ‘whether + to do’ 만을 흔히 사용한다:

  • He seemed undecided whether(if) to go or stay.
  • You’ll have to choose whether(if) to buy it or not.
  • Your lawyer can advise you whether(if) to take any action.


전치사 + whether

전치사 뒤에는 오직 ‘whether’ 만을 사용한다:

  • They’re having twisticuffs about whether(if) Batman or Superman is stronger.
  • I am interested in whether(if) you agree with the mathematics.
  • We do not have any say in whether(if) or not we want to do that.


Doubt if, don’t know whether

의문, 의심을 하거나, 혹은 확신을 하지 못하는 뜻을 가진 ‘동사 + 절’과 함께 ‘if / whether’를 사용한다:

  • I don’t know if he’s a teacher or what.
  • I doubt if he’ll listen to advice from me, but I’ll give it a go.
  • I’m not sure whether this means ‘pregnant’ or an ‘evaporation line’.


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