verb pattern

2022. 5. 30. 00:15Grammar/Word Order


동사 + to v

동사 - afford, agree, arrange, ask, begin, choose, continue, decide, demand, fail, forget, hate, help, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean(-=intend), need, offer, plan, prefer, pretend, promise, refuse, remember, start, try, want - + to v:

  • I can’t afford to go on holiday.
  • It began to rain.
  • She hopes to go to university next year.
  • My mother never learnt to swim.
  • Did you remember to ring Nigel?



동사 + ving(동명사)

동사 - admit, avoid, (can't) help, (can't) stand, consider, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, give up, imagine, involve, keep (on), mind, miss, practice, put off, risk - + to -:

  • I always enjoy cooking.
  • We haven't finished eating yet.
  • She keeps changing her mind about the wedding.


의미상의 주어 + ving(동명사)

동사[can't stand, dislike, imagine, involve, mind, miss, put off, risk, etc.] 뒤에 '의미상의 주어 + 동명사' 형태가 자주 사용된다. 의미상의 주어가 대명사인 경우 목적격 형태이다.

  • We just couldn’t imagine Gerry singing in public.
  • Do you mind me being here while you’re working?
  • I don’t want to risk him losing his job.



동사 + to v / ving(동명사)

'Hate, like, love, prefer' 동사는 목적어 자리에 부정사 혹은 동명사가 사용된다. 의미의 차이는 거의 없지만 목적어가 동명사인 경우 동사의 의미를 강조하고 목적어가 부정사인 경우 행동의 선호 혹은 결과의 의미를 강조한다:

동사 의미를 강조

  • I love cooking Indian food.
  • She hates cleaning her room.
  • He prefers watching a film at the cinema rather than on TV.

선호, 습관, 혹은 결과 의미를 강조

  • I like to drink juice in the morning, and tea at lunchtime.
  • I hate to be the only person to disagree.
  • We prefer to drive during the day whenever we can.


동사 + to v / ving(동명사): 의미 변화

동사[go on, need, remember, try, mean, regret, stop, want]의 목적어 자리에 부정사 혹은 동명사 둘 다 사용할 수 있다. 하지만 의미 차이가 존재한다:

  • Working in Seoul means leaving home at 6.30. (~ 하는 것을 의미하다)
  • I didn’t mean to make you cry. (~ 할 의도이다)
  • He went on singing after everyone else had finished. (~ 하는 것을 계속하다)
  • She recited a poem, then went on to sing a folk song. (이어서 ~을 하다)
  • I tried searching the web and finally found an address for him. (결과나 성공하기 위해 ~을 해보다)
  • I tried to email Simon but it bounced back. (어렵지만 ~을 노력해보다)
  • She stopped crying as soon as she saw her mother. (~ 하는 것을 멈추다)
  • We stopped to buy some water. (~ 하려고 멈추다)


지각동사 + sb / sth + ving(현재분사) / 원형부정사

지각동사(feel, notice, see, hear, overhear, watch, etc.)는 '지각동사 + sb / sth + 현재분사 / 원형부정사' 형태로 흔히 사용한다:


지각동사 + sb / sth + 현재분사 (진행중인 동작 / 사건 강조)

  • She heard people shouting in the street below
  • A police officer saw him running along the street.


지각동사 + sb / sth + 원형부정사 (전체적인 혹은 완료된 동작 / 사건 강조)

  • I heard someone shout ‘Help!’, so I ran to the river.
  • Emily saw Philip run out of Sandra’s office.

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