Made from, made of, made out of, made with

2022. 4. 24. 23:31Vocabulary/Everyday Vocabulary


Made from

사물의 제조 방식을 표현할 때 흔히 'made from'를 사용한다:

  • Butter is made from milk. 
  • The tombs were made from bricks of dried mud. 


Made of 

사물의 재료 혹은 품질을 표현할 때 'made of'를 사용한다. 'composed of'와 비슷한 의미를 갖는다:

  • The tower made of steels cased in granite is a famous London landmark. 
  • A: What's this chair made of? B: It's oak, American white oak. A: It's stunning.


Made out of

사물이 놀랍거나 흔하지 않은 방식으로 만들어진 경우 'made out of'를 사용한다:

  • They had furniture made out of waddywood. 
  • I bought earrings made out of coconut shell. 


Made with

음식과 음료수의 재료를 표현할 때 'made with'를 흔히 사용한다;

  • Jams are made with fruit juice concentrate.
  • Is sushi always made with raw fish or do the Japanese use cooked fish too?

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