let alone

2022. 5. 20. 17:49Vocabulary/Everyday Vocabulary


used to indicate that something is far less likely, possible, or suitable than something else already mentioned:


  • He was incapable of leading a soccer team, let alone a country.
  • I can hardly run let alone lift a weapon.
  • He left, barely able to see straight let alone think straight.
  • I've never begged anyone for anything, let alone money.


used especially to emphasize the improbability of a contrasting example:

  • He would never walk again let alone play soccer.
  • He can't find souls, let alone demons.


Short Story

My boss took back the raise he promised me, because I'm “not as resilient as I made him believe.” Well I had the audacity to get sick at an inconvenient time for the company. I am hardly able to leave my bed, let alone work, which is apparently due to a “lack of positive mindset.” 




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