go figure

2022. 6. 4. 13:34Vocabulary/Everyday Vocabulary


The phrase 'Go figure' is used to say that something is surprising or hard to understand:
After losing their first three games, they won the next then. Go figure!

  • I had no idea the engine would explode if I didn't change the oil in the car. Go figure!
  • It's a terrible movie and it made $300 million. Go figure!

A discussion between mother and daughter

  • Mother: How was Sue's party?
  • Daughter: It was okay. I went there with my umbrella because the invitation said to bring one.
  • Mother: And you didn't need it?
  • Daughter: No because it didn't rain when there was even rain in the forecast. Go figure!

A discussion between two students

  • Student1: I thought we were supposed to have Sundays off.
  • Student2: Yeah, well go figure! Who would have thought it was one of the busiest days for the teacher!

Alternatives to "Go figure"

  • No way!
  • It figures!
  • I would never have guessed in a million years!

"Go figure" Meaning | Picture

We can’t understand why he was stuck in snow on the bike.



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