phrasal verb

2022. 5. 30. 00:33Grammar/Verb


구동사의 형태는 동사와 1개 이상의 기능어(up, over, in, down, etc.)로 구성되어 있다. 구체적으로는 3가지 형태의 구동사가 존재한다; 동사 + adverb particle(come out, take off, go on, make out, etc.), 동사 + 전치사(break into, get over, lead to, look at, etc.), 동사 + particle + 전치사 (catch up with, listen out for, put up with, etc.)이다. 일반적으로 구동사는 앞의 3가지 종류를 일컫는다. 


Phrasal verbs 

구동사는 2개의 단어로 구성되어 있다: 동사 + adverb particle(around, at, away, down, in, off, on, out, over, round, up, etc.)



구동사는 각 단어의 뜻을 통해서 그 의미를 파악할 수 없는 경우가 흔히 있다: 

  • The novel first came out in 2000. (was published)
  • The plane took off an hour late. (flew into the air)
  • The class went on till 2.30. (continued)
  • It’s difficult to make out what he’s saying. (hear/understand)



구동사는 같은 뜻을 갖는 1개의 단어로 구성된 동사보다 구어체에서 더 흔히 사용된다:

  • They need to sort the problem out. 
  • They need to slove / resolve the problem. (More formal single word)
  • I had an hour to put the stage up before the concert.
  • I had an hour to erect / construct the stage before the concert. (More formal single word)


Phrasal verbs and objects 

구동사는 목적어를 갖기도 한다. 대부분의 경우에 'particle'은 목적어 앞 혹은 뒤에 위치한다. 하지만 목적어가 사람을 가리키는 인칭대명사(me, you, her, them, etc.)인 경우 'particle'은 목적어 앞에 위치한다:

  • He brought up 4 kids all alone. (Particle + 목적어)
  • He brought her children up to be polite. (목적어 + particle)
  • Do you want me to take off my shoes? (Particle + 목적어)
  • Come in. Take your shoes off. (목적어 + particle)


목적어가 인칭대명사인 경우 항상 'particle' 앞에 위치한다: 

  • I’ve made some copies. Do you want me to hand them out?
  • Oh, She can’t lift him up any more. He’s too big now!

목적어의 형태가 긴 경우는 'particle' 뒤에 위치한다:

  • Many couples in Korea do not want to take on the responsibility of bringing up a big family of 3 or 4 children.

목적어가 필요 없는 구동사도 있다: break down, carry on, eat out, go off, move in/out, run away, set off, wake up

  • The bus broke down on the way to the airport.
  • I think I gotta set off before the rush-hour traffic starts.
  • What time did you wake up this morning?


Prepositional verbs 

'Prepositional verbs'는 2부분으로 구성되어 있고 위의 언급된 구동사처럼 목적어를 취해도 서로 분리할 수 없다 (동사 + 전치사):

break into (a house), cope with (a difficult situation), deal with (a problem), depend on, do without, get over (an illness), get on, get off, go into, lead to, listen to, look after (a child), look at, look for, look forward to


Prepositional verbs and objects

'Prepositional verbs'는 항상 목적어를 갖고 목적어는 전치사 뒤에 위치한다. 목적어 자리에는 명사, 대명사, 동명사가 사용된다: 

  • Someonr broke into his car and stole his wallet.
  • I don’t like this music. I don’t want to listen to it any more.
  • Getting to the final depends on our winning mentality!

'Prepositional verbs' 중에는 동사 뒤에 목적어를 취하고 전치사 뒤에 또 다른 목적어를 취하기도 한다 (동사 + 목적어[A] + 전치사 + 목적어[B]): associate A with B, protect A from B, provide A with B, remind A of B, rob A of B, thank A for B

  • Eun reminds [A]me of [B]a girlfriend of mine.
  • How can I protect [A]my children from [B]school bullies?
  • I’d like to thank [A]everyone for [B]their participation.


Phrasal-prepositional verbs 

구어체에서 흔히 사용되는 'Phrasal-prepositional verbs'는 3개의 부분으로 구성되어 있다 (동사 + particle + 전치사). 'Particle'과 전치사는 서로 분리될 수 없다. 목적어는 항상 전치사 뒤에 위치한다. 각 단어의 뜻으로 'phrasal-prepositional verbs' 의미를 파악하기는 어렵다: catch up with, come up against, do away with, face up to, get away with, get on with, listen out for, look down on, look forward to, look in on, look out for, look up to, put up with, watch out for

  • Sujin’s just chatting to a classmate. She’ll catch up with us in a bit. (reach, join)
  • Does he get on with his neighbours? (have a good relationship with)
  • I look forward to meeting you so soon. (anticipate with pleasure)


Phrasal-prepositional verbs and objects

목적어는 항상 전치사 뒤에 위치한다:

  • He was a good teacher. We all looked up to him. (respected)

'Phrasal-prepositional verbs' 중에는 동사 뒤에 목적어를 취하고 전치사 뒤에 다른 목적어를 취하기도 한다 (동사 + 목적어[A] + particle + 전치사 + 목적어[B]): fix A up with B, let A in on B, put A down to B, take A out on B, put A up to B

  • He fixed me up with a violin teacher. I'm really grateful to him. (fixed me up with = arranged for me)
  • They just put the accident down to bad luck. There is no other reason. (put down to = think the cause or reason is) 

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