finite verb-nonfinite verb

2022. 5. 30. 00:06Grammar/Verb


정형 동사는 시제, 인칭, 그리고 수를 나타낸다: (I go, she goes, we went, etc.)

  • She was waiting in the room before he came in.
  • Does your brother know my brother?
  • The night before he had to leave, they sat on the small sofa in the living-room and looked at old family photos.
  • Aren’t you a bit late?


비정형 동사는 시제, 인칭, 그리고 수를 나타내지 않는다: (to-, -ing, -ed)

  • Remember to take nappies and baby wipes.
  • Would you help me take it to the post office? [원형 부정사]
  • This skirt needs taking up.

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