helping verb

2022. 5. 30. 00:01Grammar/Helping Verb


조동사 특징 

  1. 조동사는 다양한 의미를 갖는다. (확실성, 가능성, 의지, 의무, 필요, 능력, 등등)
  2. 조동사는 형태가 변하지 않는다. ('-s', '-ed', '-ing')
  3. 조동사 뒤에 위치한 동사는 반드시 기본 형태이다. (She can speak English.)


조동사 종류

  1. 조동사: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must
  2. 조동사 같은 동사: dare, ought to, had better, need not 



  • You must stop when the traffic lights turn red. (의무)
  • He must be very tired. He's been working all day long. (확신)
  • You must not smoke in the hospital. (금지)



  • I can swim. (능력)
  • Can I use your phone, please? (허가)
  • Smoking can cause cancer. (가능성)



  • When I was younger I could run fast. (과거의 능력)
  • Excuse me, could I just say something? (허가; 공손한 표현)
  • It could rain tomorrow! (가능성)



  • May I use your phone, please? (허가)
  • It may rain tomorrow! (가능성)



  • I might go on holiday to Australia next year. (가능성)


'Need not'

  • I need not buy tomatoes. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. (불필요)


'Should / ought to'

  • I should / ought to see a doctor. I have a terrible headache. (50% 의무)
  • You should / ought to revise your lessons. (조언)
  • It should be 5 minutes away. (가능성)


'Had better' 

  • You'd better revise your lessons. (충고)


조동사 have -ed

조동사는 단어 자체의 형태가 변하지 않기 때문에 과거 의미를 전달 할 때는 '조동사 have -ed' 형태를 사용한다:

  • You should see a doctor. (현재)
  • You should have seen a doctor. (과거)


'의무' '능력', 그리고 '불필요' 의미를 표현하는 조동사는 예외이다:

  • I must / have to work hard. (현재)
  • I had to work hard. (과거)
  • I can run fast. (현재)
  • I could run fast when I was young. (과거)
  • You don't have to / needn't take your umbrella. (현재)
  • You didn't have to / didn't need to take your umbrella. (과거)



  • You must / have to stop when the traffic lights are red. (현재)
  • You had to stop. (과거)


'조언 / 충고'

  • You should see a doctor. (현재)
  • You should have seen a doctor. (과거)


  • You mustn't smoke here. (현재)
  • You mustn't have smoked there. (과거)



  • I can run fast. (현재)
  • I could run fast. Now I am old. (과거)



  • He has a Rolls Royce. He must be very rich. (현재)
  • He must have been rich. He had a big house and an expensive car. (과거)
  • He can't be American. His English is terrible. (현재)
  • He can't have written that poem. He was illiterate. (과거)



  • Can I go out? (현재)
  • She could drive her father's car when she was only 15. (과거)



  • It may / can / could / might rain. It's cloudy. (현재)
  • I guess it may / can / could / might have been Sara on the phone. (과거)



  • You don't have to / needn't buy any tomatoes. There are plenty in the fridge. (현재)
  • You didn't have to / didn't need to buy tomatoes. (과거)

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