
2022. 5. 28. 20:28Grammar/Helping Verb


Will: 형태

  • The next Olympic Games will be in London. 
  • I'll give you a call at about 6 o'clock. (축약형)

조동사는 다른 조동사와 함께 사용할 수 없다:

  • You will be obliged to sign a contract before starting employment. (will must)

조동사는 비슷한 의미를 갖는 다른 표현들과 함께 사용할 수 있다:

  • You'll have to let me know when it arrives.
  • She will be able to live nearer her parents if she gets the job.

'Will' 부정은 'will not' 혹은 축약형 'won't'이다:

  • They won't tell us very much until January.

의문문 그리고 부가 의문문에서는 'will'이 주어의 앞에 위치한다:

  • Will you be home earlier tomorrow?
  • Will I be able to take this brochure home with me?
  • Will the number be in the phone book?
  • You won't forget to take the cake out of the oven, will you? (부가 의문문)
  • It'll take quite a long time to get there, won't it? (부가 의문문)

축약형 ''ll' 형태는 짧은 답변에서는 사용하지 않는다:

  • A: But you'll have to be quick. Everyone will be after it, won't they? B: Yeah, they will. (Yeah, they'll


Will: 용법

일과 상황의 확신 

  • The house will be redecorated but alll the facilities will be the same. 
  • That'll be Sujin shouting.
  • A: She's still there at the moment. B: She'll be there until next week.



  • A: Have you decided what you are going to do with the car? B: No. I think it'll cost a lot of money to fix.
  • I think they'll be off in October again.
  • It's all wool. It'll shrink if you wash it in cold water.


조건절 + 결과절 

  • If she gets the job, she will have to move to Korea.
  • I'll take a day off if the weather's fine next Monday. 


의도와 결심: Not planned

'I think' 뒤에는 흔히 축약형 'I'll'을 사용한다;

  • When I go and see Sujin, I think I'll take her some flowers.
  • What will you do with that fish? Will you just put it in the fridge or will you freeze it?
  • I think I'll have some apple juice, actually.


의지와 제안 

흔쾌히 하는 마음 혹은 제안을 할 때 'I'와 함께 흔히 사용한다:

  • I'll show you where to go.
  • A: It's just a leaflet that I've got. B: Just the leaflet. Right, I'll go and get you a brochure too.
  • I'll give you a lift to the hotel.



  • I'll be there for you. Don't worry.
  • She'll always love you.


요청과 초청

  • Will you pass me the sugar?
  • This tastes good. Will you give me the recipe?
  • Will you come for lunch on Saturday?



  • Will you be quiet, please!
  • Will you stop talking on the phone!



'Shall'은 주어 'I' 혹은 'we'와 흔히 사용하고 'will'보다 격식을 차린 표현이다. 'Shall not'의 축약형은 'shan't'이다:

  • Simply complete the form and return it to me, and I shall personally reserve your hotel room for you.
  • We shall look at a full report from the center.
  • I shall see you later. I shan't be late. (formal)

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