Nevel and Carly Get Married? New iCarly

2022. 5. 28. 20:57Get Fluent/Get Fluent with Youtube


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Nevel Papperman has returned to iCarly... and potentially... to Carly's heart? While Nevel's nefarious schemes are usually focused on sabotaging iCarly and Carly, Sam, Freddie, and Spencer in some way – this time he's just looking to finally make an honest man out of himself and become Mr. Nevel Shay. Check out this full scene featuring Nevel's return in the new iCarly!

[동영상 출처: 유튜브]



Red for Pronunciation - Blue for general Vocabulary - Green for References

00:05 Almost got the battery pack in.
00:08 I got to get out of here.
00:11 Nevel!
00:12 - Carly. - Don't Carly me.
00:14 I figured out what's going on here,
- to solve a problem or discover the answer to a question (e.g. He was trying to figure out why the camera wasn't working.); to reach an understanding of a person's actions, motives, or personality (e.g. I've never been able to figure him out.)
- What has happened or is currently happening?; Used as an inquiry or rebuke about something that is wrong or strange.

00:16 and it's insane.
00:18 Is it really so insane to think an epic love story
00:20 spanning decades could finally land on
- to continue over a period of time (e.g. The actor's career spanned five decades.)

00:22 happily ever after?
- to live happily for the rest of one's life (e.g. It was such a beautiful wedding, and I just know that AlIie and Michael will live happily ever after.)

00:24 Oh, please. I know your epic love story
00:26 with Prunella is a lie.
00:28 You're right, but my love story with you is the truth.
00:32 Heh?
00:34 Come on, Carly. No more cat and mouse.
00:37 It's time to let me catch you.
00:38 Not now, and not ever!
00:42 Yes, run to the altar, my beloved.
00:45 I'll see you there.
00:50 I can't believe the rabbi shot me down,
- shoot somebody down is used to reject, foil, or disappoint the aspirations of someone or something (e.g. I asked John out for a date, but he shot me down.)

00:52 but they taught me some beautiful lessons.
00:54 L'chaim.
00:56 How are we going to break this tie
00:57 before the wedding is over?
01:00 Unless...
01:05 What's up, mama?
01:06 Can I have everyone's attention?
01:08 I have something to say,
01:10 and I know it's going to shock most of you.
01:12 We're getting married! Prunella's out, Carly's in!
01:16 [gasping]
01:19 Oh!
01:20 ("Wedding March" plays)
01:22 Wow. Didn't ask me to walk her down the aisle. Okay.
01:27 What? We're not getting married.
01:29 No. No. No.
01:32 Yes, yes, yes. It's really happening.
01:35 Rabbi Lowenstein, go.
01:36 Uh, uh. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today
01:39 - to witness... - No. No gathering, disperse.
- to distribute or spread over a wide area (e.g. As soon as the last bell rings, students disperse out of the building and head to their buses.)

01:42 I object. [gasping]
01:43 Oh, shoot. Maybe I do like
- a euphemism for 'oh shit'

01:45 straight weddings. [chuckles]
- someone who is straight is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex
01:47 You can't object.
01:48 First because I'm not marrying him,
01:50 and second, because you're a robot.
01:53 [gasping]
01:54 And there it is.
01:55 Admit it, Nevel.
01:56 You made the perfect woman out of steel and technology
01:59 and then staged this entire robot wedding
02:01 so that she could blend in.
- to become part of your surroundings and not be noticed (e.g. Now, I just want to do something stupid and mindless, you know? Where I can just like totally blend in.)

02:03 Oh, my God.
02:04 You think someone would make a robot of me?
02:06 That is so nice, [chuckles]
02:08 but why would you think that? [chuckles]
- to insinuate that the person asking is offended by what you thought.

02:12 Because you're way too good for Nevel,
02:14 and you always blink in that crazy way.
02:17 Oh, it's because I'm not used to these stupid lash extensions,

02:21 and while they make me look amazing, I see very poorly.
02:25 But what about your battery pack?
02:27 I saw it fall out.
- (of the hair, teeth, etc.) become detached and drop out (e.g. The chemotherapy made my hair fall out.)

02:28 Battery pack? What battery pack?
02:30 I have no idea. Carly's crazy. She threw a magnet at me.
02:34 Carly, Prunella isn't a robot.
02:36 She's a friend I met playing "Robot Uprising."
02:39 Our relationship isn't romantic.
02:41 Ooh, twist!
02:45 Continue.
02:48 But if you never loved Prunella, then why did you say
02:50 she was your soul mate?
02:52 Was it just to make me jealous?
02:54 Was this entire robot wedding just to make me jealous?
02:57 Please, do you really think I'd stage a fake wedding,
- cause (something dramatic or unexpected) to happen. (e.g. The President's attempt to stage a comeback.)

03:00 ask Freddie to be my best man to make sure you'd be here,
03:03 even though I can't stand him and never could...
- be able to endure or tolerate (e.g. I can't stand the way Mom talks to him.)

03:05 Hey.
03:07 Invite all your closest friends and family,
03:09 pay actors to fill out the guest list,
03:11 all so you'd go mad with jealously and realize you
03:13 and I were meant to be together all along?
- if you are meant to do something, you should do it, especially because someone has told you to or because you are responsible for it (e.g. Come on, Ellen, you're meant to be helping me.)

03:16 Oh, my God. Nevel, did you do that?
03:19 Would it be so wrong if I did?
03:21 Wait, you're an actor?
03:23 Does that mean you don't actually like Freddie?
03:25 Oh, God. No.
03:27 That was just a choice I made for my character.
03:29 Well, my work here is done.
03:31 I'll be at the bar getting a Shirley Temple,
03:33 extra cherries for this little princess.
03:40 You paid all the guests? But your mother was here.
03:43 Oh, Carly, you know that's not my mother.
03:45 You've met my mother.
03:47 Hi, Carly. Suzie Cunninghart, SAG-AFTRA. Huge fan.
03:51 I'd love to be considered for any future roles
03:53 on your channel.
03:55 No. I'm not casting you, and I'm not marrying you.
03:59 I'm not doing anything with anyone here.
04:01 Okay. Okay. The wedding is off.
04:04 Wait, wait, wait. The wedding is on,
04:06 at least I hope it is
04:07 because there is still one secret
04:09 I haven't told you yet.
04:10 She's a robot.
04:12 My secret is that somehow during this whole crazy scheme,
- in some way; by some means (e.g. Somehow I managed to get the job done.); for a reason that is not known or specified (e.g. He looked different somehow.)

04:17 I fell in love with you.
04:19 [everyone] Ooh!
04:22 My thing was more believable.
04:24 Really? You fell in love with me, Nevel Papperman?
04:28 [thundering]
04:31 That was real.
04:33 And as for the battery Carly saw,
- with regard to (e.g. As for you, you'd better be quick.)

04:34 it was supposed to be a surprise.
- If you say that something is supposed to happen, you mean that it is planned or expected. Sometimes this use suggests that the thing does not really happen in this way.

04:39 [everyone] Aw.
04:41 I can't believe it.
04:43 Someone loves me.
04:44 This has never happened to me before.
04:47 Prunella, I-I love you too.
04:55 Carly, are you going to be okay?
04:58 Yeah, I'll manage.
