English Conversations at a Restaurant

2022. 6. 14. 14:13Get Fluent/Topic-based Conversations


You probably look forward to going to a restaurant during your overseas trip so that you might have quality time with your family. But when you eat ou at a restaurant where you have to speak English, the situation goes from relaxing to pestering.

Let’s tackle common conversations you might have in an English-speaking restaurant in order to get you out of an annoying situation that might happen to you.  



  • Making a Reservation
  • Being Seated at the Restaurant
  • Ordering
  • Making Comments on Food
  • Paying the Bill/Check
  • Useful Expressions


Making a Reservation

Making a Reservation
Making a reservation for nice dinner


Restaurant staff: This is TheVeryKorean Restaurant.
Customer: Hi, I would like to make a dinner reservation for 2 persons.
Restaurant staff: What night will you be coming?
Customer: We will need the reservation for Friday night.
Restaurant staff: What time would you like?
Customer: 7:30
Restaurant staff: We don’t have anything available at 7:30. Is 8:00 OK?
Customer: Yes, that’s fine.
Restaurant staff: May I have your name.
Customer: My name is James Smith.
Restaurant staff: Thank you, Mr. Smith. See you this Friday at 8:00.
Customer: Thank you. Bye.


Being Seated at the Restaurant

Being Seated at the Restaurant
Being Seated at the Restaurant


Waiter: Good evening. Welcome to TheVeryKorean Restaurant.
James: I booked a table for two for 7.30 under the name of James Smith.
Waiter: Yes, Mr. Smith. Please come this way.

Waiter: Here is your table.
James: Thanks!


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Ordeing some food for lunch


Waiter: May I get you anything to drink?
James: Yes, please. May I get 2 glasses of mango juice?
Waiter: Sure. Would you like an appetizer?
James: I’ll have the mushroom soup to start.
Linda: I’ll have the shrimp soup.
Waiter: Would you like to order anything else?
James: That’ll be all for now.

Waiter: Let me know when you’re ready to order your food.
Waiter: Here is your potato soup, Madam.
Linda: But I ordered shrimp soup!
Waiter: I’m so sorry. I’ll change it for you straightaway.
Linda: I would appreciate that.
James: Excuse me. Could you bring us the menu, please?

Waiter: Here you are!
James: Mm.. We’d like to order some pizza and  a green sallad.
Waiter: It must be a good choice. It is excellent.
James: Sounds good! I’ll trust your taste.
Waiter: Do you want a dessert?
Linda: The cheese cake sounds great.
Waiter: Would you like coffee or tea with your dessert?
James: Just some water, please.
Waiter: Can I get you anything else?
Linda: That’s all, thank you.


Making Comments on Food

Making Comments on Food
Making Commentss on Food


Linda: James, is your pizza OK?
James: It tastes really good!
Linda: How is your cake?
James: Um... I'm a Korean. My cake is a little too sweet for me. 
Linda: So is mine. Other than that, this is a good restaurant.
James: The food here is really good. I understand why this restaurant is always crowded with customers.
Linda: You're right! This restaurant has more regular customers than random ones.


Paying the Bill/Check

Getting the Bill
Paying the bill


Cashier: Can I help you?
James: Yes, could I have the bill?
Cashier: Of course. Here you are.
James: Thank you. Can I pay in cash?
Cashier: Of course, Sir. That will be $80, please.
James: Here you are.
Cashier: Thank you. Here’s your change and your receipt.
James: Thank you.


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Useful Expressions

Making Reservations

When we want to “reserve” a table, we can make a request by simply stating our wish:

  • I’d like to book a table for five people. 
  • I would like to make a reservation for four people. 


We could also make a request by asking:

  • May I book a table for five people?
  • Could I make a reservation for four people? 


Arriving & Greeting 

Once you arrive at a restaurant, you can start with a greeting and mention your reservation:

  • Hello, I have a reservation under James Smith.
  • Hi, I have a booking under the name of Michael Jackson. 


If you haven’t made a reservation ahead of time, you may ask:

  • Do you have any free tables at the moment?
  • Are there any tables available for a party of five?

Inquiring about the Menu

If you would like to know about recommendations or popular foods, you may ask:

  • What are today’s specials?
  • What do you recommend? 
  • Do you have any house specials? 


If you would like to know what comes with an item on the menu, you could ask:

  • Does this burger come with a side of fries?
  • Does this come with a salad on the side? 


Similarly, if you would like to inquire about what’s in a dish, you may ask:

  • Could you tell me what’s in the Somtam?
  • What’s the Somtam made with? 


Native speakers often start their order by saying: 

  • May I have a…
  • I’d like a…
  • I’ll have a…
  • Could I get a…


If ordering at a more casual restaurant, like a fast food place, you might say:

  • Can I get a…
  • I’ll have…


If you prefer to have an additional item with your main dish or would like something to be brought separately, you could say:

  • May I have the dressing on the side?
  • Could I get a side of fries?


When you would like to have something instead of another, you could ask:

  • May I substitute the fries with a side of pickled radish?
  • Could I get a glass of water instead of coke?


Expressing Frustration/Complaining

Sometimes restaurants are busy and your food may not meet your expectations. In this situation, you may want to expresss your frustration and tell the waiter:

  • Excuse me, this dish isn’t what I expected it to be. Would it be possible to order something else
  • Excuse me, I asked for no coriander and there’s a lot in my food. May I have this remade?


However, you may be in a situation where you haven’t received your food yet. When this happens, you can politely inquire:

  • Excuse me, we ordered some time ago. Will our food be long? 


If you’re pressed for time and would like to leave, you could ask:

  • I’m running late. Could I get this to-go instead?


Responding to Waitstaff

Often, your waiter or waitress will stop by to ask:

  • How is everything?
  • Are you enjoying your meal?
  • Is everything ok with your meal?


If you are satisfied, you may respond to their question with:

  • Everything is delicious; thank you.
  • Yes, we’re enjoying our meal. Thank you for asking. 
  • Casually: Everything’s great. Thanks.


Making A Payment/Finishing A Meal

When you’ve completed your meal and can’t eat anymore, you can request to take your unfinished food home by asking: 

  • Could I get the rest to go?
  • Could you box up the leftovers? 


When you wish to make a payment and leave, you could make the following requests to the waiter: 

  • Could we have the bill/cheque, please?
  • May I get the check, please? 


If you’d like to inquire about the payment method, you can ask:

  • Do you take cash/credit/debit?
  • May I pay by cash?


When you are with a group of people and want to have separate bills, you can say:

  • We’d like to have separate bills, please.
  • We’d like to split the check, please. 


When you pay by cash, you can simply tell the waiter to keep the change for your appreciation:

  • Keep the change, thank you. 



