
2022. 5. 30. 00:31Grammar/Tense


Types of Verb tenses 

시제는 언어적 시간을 일컫는 다시 말해서 사건의 시점을 전달한다. 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래의 3가지 주요 시제가 있고 각각의 시제는 4개의 다른 양상을 - simple [단순], continuous [진행], perfect [완료], perfect continuous [완료진행] - 지니고 있다. 각 시제는 동사의 형태를 통해서 구분할 수 있다.


Tenses and aspects: functions 

시제는 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래의 관점에서 사건이 언제 일어 났는지을 일컫는 반면에 각 시제의 양상은 각 사건이 일어난 시점의 흐름을 일컫는다:


Present simple [현재단순]: 일반적인 사실을 전달 

  • She writes a lot of papers for her classes.
  • The Eiffel tower is in Paris.
  • Light travels faster than sound.
  • Average income differs by race and gender.
  • Older people express less concern about the environment than younger people.
  • Photosynthesis refers to the process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical energy.
  • According to Piketty (2013), inequality grows over time in capitalist economies.
  • In the first novel, Harry learns he is a wizard and travels to Hogwarts for the first time, finally escaping the constraints of the family that raised him.
  • In The History of Sexuality, Foucault asserts that sexual identity is a modern invention.
  • Paglia (1993) critiques Foucault’s theory.
  • This research aims to synthesize the two theories.
  • Chapter 3 explains the methodology and discusses ethical issues.
  • The paper concludes with recommendations for further research.


Past simple [과거단순]: 과거에 일어난 사건을 전달 

  • She wrote the papers for all of her classes last month.
  • Olden (2017) recruited 17 participants for the study.
  • We transcribed and coded the interviews before analyzing the results.
  • All of the focus group participants agreed that the new version was an improvement.
  • We found a positive correlation between the variables, but it was not as strong as we hypothesized.
  • James Joyce pioneered the modernist use of stream of consciousness.
  • Donald Trump’s election in 2016 contradicted the predictions of commentators.


Future simple [미래단순]: 미래에 일어날 사건을 전달 

  • She will write papers for her classes next semester.


Present perfect [현재완료]: 과거에 시작했던 사건이 현재와 관련성이 있다는 것을 전달 

  • She has written papers for most of her classes, but she still has some papers left to write.
  • Many researchers have investigated the effects of poverty on health.
  • Studies have shown a link between cancer and red meat consumption.
  • Identity politics has been a topic of heated debate since the 1960s.
  • The problem of free will has vexed philosophers for centuries.
  • Green et al. have conducted extensive research on the ecological effects of wolf reintroduction.
  • Smith (2015) has found that younger drivers are involved in more traffic accidents than older drivers, but more research is required to make effective policy recommendations.
  • As Monbiot (2013) has shown, ecological change is closely linked to social and political processes.


Past perfect [과거완료]: 기준이 되는 과거에 일어난 사건보다 이전에 일어난 사건을 전달 

  • She had written several papers for her classes before she switched universities.


Future perfect [미래완료]: 지금으로부터 미래의 구체적인 시점에 일어난 사건을 전달 

  • She will have written many papers for her classes by the end of the semester.


Present continuous [현재진행]: 현재 진행 중이거나 일시적으로 일어나고 있는 사건을 전달 

  • She is writing a paper for her class.


Past continous [과거진행]: 과거에 진행 중인 사건을 전달

  • She was writing a paper for her class when her pencil broke.


Future continuous [미래진행]: 미래에 일정 기간동안 일어난 사건을 전달 

  • She will be writing a lot of papers for her classes next year.


Present perfect continous [현재완료진행]: 과거에 시작된 사건이 현재까지 진행 중이거나 최근에 끝난 경우 현재와의 관련성을 강조 

  • She has been writing a paper all night, and now she needs to get some sleep.


Past perfect continuous [과거완료진행]: 과거에 시작해서 계속되다 과거의 명확한 시점에 끝난 사건을 전달  

  • She had been writing a paper all night, and she needed to get some sleep.


Future perfect continuous [미래완료진행]: 미래의 어떤 시점까지 계속 진행될 사건을 전달 

  • She will have been writing this paper for three months when she hands it in.

'Grammar > Tense' 카테고리의 다른 글

present perfect simple  (0) 2022.05.29