
2022. 5. 30. 00:08Grammar/Verbal



부정사의 형태는 2가지가 있다: 부정사(To be / do), 원형 부정사(동사의 기본형)

  • I want to speak to you.
  • We came here to work, not to play.
  • She made us wait for half an hour.
  • John lets the dog sleep on the sofa.



부정사는 몇몇 동사 뒤에 흔히 위치한다: (동사 + 부정사)

agree, aim, arrange, ask, begin, choose, claim, continue, decide, demand, fail, forget, hate, help, hope, intend, learn, like, long, love, manage, mean, need, offer, plan, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, remember, try, want, wish, etc. + 부정사 

  • We arranged to see the bank manager and applied for a loan.
  • Mrs Harding asked us to call in on our way home.
  • Did you remember to post the letter to your mother?
  • He just wants everyone to be happy.


부정사는 행동 그 자체보다 그 행동의 '아이디어' 혹은 '결과'를 나타날 때 흔히 사용한다:

  • To work in a developing country had always been her ambition.
  • To get there before lunch, you would have to take the seven o’clock train.


'동사 + 목적어 + 부정사'

advise, ask, challenge, choose, forbid, hate, help, instruct, intend, invite, like, love, need, order, persuade, prefer, recommend, remind, request, teach, tell, want, etc. + 목적어 + 부정사

  • I advised him to get a job as soon as possible. 
  • Did Martin teach Gary to play squash?
  • They want me to go to Germany with them.


원형 부정사 

조동사 뒤에 원형 부정사를 사용한다:

  • She can sleep in the guest room tonight.
  • Will you need to rent a car during your stay?

'동사(let, make, help, etc.) + sb / sth + 원형 부정사'

  • He lets us use some of his land to grow vegetables.
  • You can’t make a cat do anything it doesn’t want to do.
  • I just want to help you (to) understand the situation better.


자주하는 실수

조동사 그리고 전치사 뒤에 부정사를 사용하지 않는다:

  • We might buy a new sofa. (We might to buy ...)
  • Lemon juice is useful for cleaning stained surfaces in the kitchen. (... useful for to clean ...)

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verbal  (0) 2022.05.29