the comparative

2022. 5. 29. 23:44Grammar/Comparative


'The 비교급 ~, the 비교급 ~' 구문은 '~할수록, ~하다' 라는 의미로 비교와 대조의 개념으로 많이 사용한다: (the 비교급 + 절, the 비교급 + 절)

  • The more adventurous it is, the more I hate it. (NOT The more it is adventurous, the more I hate it.)
  • The more I see him, the more I like him.
  • The less he reads, the less he understands.
  • The older we grow, the wiser we become.
  • The higher you climb, the colder it gets.
  • The richer one grows, the greater one’s worries.
  • The less you spend, the more you save.
  • The sooner they go, the better it is.

간단한 구문: the 비교급, the 비교급 

'The 비교급 + 절' 구문에서 절의 의미가 중요하지 않은 경우 생략 가능하다:

  • ‘How do you like your coffee?’ ‘The stronger the better.’
  • ‘When should I start?’ ‘The earlier the better.’
  • 'How much should I give you?' 'The more, the better.'

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