iCarly Cast Q&A Dishing on Secret Talents

2022. 5. 28. 21:03카테고리 없음


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o behind the scenes with the cast of the new iCarly as they talk about their hidden talents, favorite iCarly memories, and more! Did you know Miranda Cosgrove has an extra eye muscle? What about Nathan Kress' ability to wiggle his ears?

[동영상 출처: 유튜브]



Red for Pronunciation - Blue for general Vocabulary - Green for References


00:07 [music playing]
00:13 Favorite iCarly-ism, hmm.
00:15 Too many to name, uh, Jank, calling things Jank 

- so much of a particular quality that something is not possible; too adj / adv to do something (e.g. I was too excited to sleep.); too adj / adv for something (e.g. I’m getting too old for dangerous sports like hockey.); too adj / adv for someone to do (e.g. The table was too heavy for one person to carry.)


00:19 'cause I do that in real life all the time now.
00:21 I don't know. I just, I love seeing, like,
00:23 Spencer's uh, crazy sculptures every week.
00:26 Uh, I always thought that that was fun,
00:27 even just getting to see 'em in real life,
00:29 it was always exciting.
00:30 Now that the show's, um, more mature,
00:33 the sculptures are supposed to be a little bit more
00:34 like what an adult would make but still have,
00:37 like that whimsical, funny feel that Spencer will always have.

- A whimsical person or idea is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than serious and practical


00:40 Behold! The super-tastic sculpture

- see or observe sb or sth (e.g. the botanical gardens were a wonder to behold.)


00:43 of stuff... plus!
00:48 But I always loved in the original iCarly
00:50 how Spencer was so physically comedic.
00:52 He was always falling and tripping and yelling.
00:54 And it's hilarious to me.

- extremely amusing (e.g. a hilarious dialogue from characters we never meet again.)


00:56 I mean, I think my favorite iCarly-ism
00:59 if it is, is just the fact that; and it's something
01:02 that may or may not have been carried over

- to say that it is possible that something happened in the past, but you do not know whether it happened or not (e.g. He may have been choked or poisoned.)


01:04 into this modern version, but that anything Spencer
01:07 touches may or may not catch on fire, spontaneously.

- happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced (e.g. His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.)

01:10 Who know? [screaming]
01:12 Wh-- [screaming]
01:15 [screaming]
01:19 Well I can't wait to see if that comes true.

- to be very excited about doing something or eager for something to happen or begin (e.g. I can't wait to try your apple pie.)

01:21 Well, it does... you'll see.
01:28 How?!
01:32 Favorite episode from the original series
01:34 probably either be "iGo to Japan"
01:35 because we just did, so many crazy fun things
01:37 in that episode, and we had a really good time
01:39 filming it in real life.
01:41 That's easy. "iGet Pranky" episode is my favourite.
01:44 That's my personal fav.

- short for 'favorite'

01:46 "iShock America" because we got to go to New York.
01:47 It was our first, like on location thing,

- It's a filler word. It helps maintain the rhythm of speech, and can also acts a pause while the person talking tries to wrap his/her thoughts together. An extreme version of this would be how (English speaking) kids or even adults say um or uh a lot while they try and think of how to phrase what they want to say.

01:50 where we actually got to go somewhere.
01:51 And we were on Jimmy Fallon's show.
01:53 That was pretty- that was pretty sweet, too.
01:54 It was fun to rehearse. It was fun to shoot.
01:56 When people talk- talk to me about iCarly ,
01:58 that is the one that we all agree
02:01 is the greatest episode.
02:03 Or maybe "iSaved Your Life", where, um, Nathan saves me
02:07 and steps in front of a taco truck
02:09 and I think he breaks his legs or his leg.
02:11 It- It should be on that- in that little time capsule
02:14 that they shoot into space for the aliens to find.
02:17 I think that would be the best way for the aliens
02:19 to be introduced to the human race.
02:21 That's what I'm saying. Stand by.
02:26 My favorite guest star from the original
02:27 is probably Lewbert. I think he's hilarious.
02:30 I mean, that's easy.
02:32 My favorite guest star of all time, Jack Black.02:45 Jack Black because we got him to sing

- to convince someone to do sth; to make someone do sth

02:48 and wear a funny costume and fight Jerry Trainor
02:51 and get chlorine in the face.
02:53 We went head to head and I came out triumphant

- to compete directly with another person or organization, especially in business and sport (e.g. The airline is going head-to-head with a rival on a route where, logically, there is really room for only one carrier.)

02:56 and he was put in his place.

- to put him in his place is to say or do something that lets another person know he is not as special, powerful or important as he thinks he is

02:57 And I think that- that his- he's carried that with him.
03:01 I think we have some unfinished business.
03:02 You hear me, Jack? Hear me, Jackie Jack?
03:05 I love Nathan's mom on the show, Mary Scheer.
03:08 She's insane and awesome.
03:11 You can't bribe me to break up with Sam.
03:13 - But Freddie. - No chance!
03:15 [screaming]
03:16 [whining]
03:18 Oh, also T-Bo. He's hilarious. He's gonna come back, hopefully.
03:22 So, that'll be really fun to see him.
03:23 Bring it back. I'll bring- I'll bring it.
03:26 I'll bring it, too.
03:28 [music playing]
03:30 What song would I pick for Random Dancing?
03:33 Right now, I would pick, uh, oh, what's the name?
03:37 What song would I pick for Random Dancing?
03:38 Ah, Disclosure, ah, Crash Into You .
03:41 It's a jump on the bed song.
03:42 Right now, talk about the feel good song
03:45 of the century, Dynamite by BTS.
03:48 I'm like- I'm a long time Katy Perry fan,
03:50 I love so I would say
03:52 I Kissed a Girl or Hot N Cold . I love her.
03:55 Yes, please, let's Random Dance to that all day and night.
04:00 Chop Suey! , System of a Down, it'd be perfect.
04:02 Can you imagine, all the head banging?
04:06 Get me in one of those outfits I want that green suit
04:08 with the flared out- I'd look good.
04:12 Wake Up the Members of my Nation, Wake Up!
04:14 It's the same- It's the same thing,
04:16 just more adult, ya know?
04:18 I should be in BTS. That's what I'm saying.
04:22 What special skill would get me on iCarly ?
04:24 I can shake my eyes. I have an extra eye muscle. Look.
04:27 I don't know if you can see it. Can you tell?

- used to ask someone to see if something is noticeable

04:30 I can wiggle my ears.
04:35 Ooh, my special skill that can get me on iCarly
04:36 is I'm very good at high pitch singing
04:41 and, ah, dancing. [laughing]
04:43 It's weird. A doctor told me that if I did that,
04:46 I was going to, like, mess my eyes up.
04:48 But I don't think it's true.
04:49 It's more just moving my whole scalp.

- The skin on the head from which head hair grows.

04:52 But mostly you can just see in the ears.

04:54 But I definitely think that
04:55 that would have been iCarly quality stuff.

- to express probability or presumption in past (e.g. It would have been a mockery to have had him cloned.); to express something that did not happen and describe past events (e.g. I would have gone to the wedding, but my son got sick.)

04:57 My special skill, uh, that would get me on iCarly,
05:01 it would be the fact that I can, ah, sit on a couch
05:06 uh, doing nothing for longer than most people.
05:10 It's creepy.
05:11 You'd run out of film, but we're in a digital age,
05:13 so you just need a couple of terabytes
05:18 My favorite Nickelodeon show ever would either be Rugrats ,
05:21 Hey, Arnold or Cat Dog .
05:23 My favorite Nick show ever, ah, that's a toss up

- used when you do not know which of two things will happen, or which of two things to choose (e.g. I don't know who'll get the job – it’s a toss-up between Carl and Steve.)

05:26 between Double Dare , which I could not get enough.
05:30 It's gotta be Double Dare .
05:32 I loved You Can't Do That on Television though.

- however indicating that a factor qualifies or imposes restrictions on what was said previously (e.g. I was hunting for work. Jobs were scarce though.)

05:33 I wanted to be one of those kids.
05:35 My favorite Nickelodeon show
05:37 besides iCarly has to be All That .
05:39 ♪ All that ♪
05:41 I'm gonna give a slight edge to Double Dare.

- to give somebody an advantage; to give an advantage to somebody (e.g. This business seminar can rally give you an edge on the competition.)


05:43 I wanted to be on that game show. It was fun.
05:45 I like all the old Nickelodeon cartoons.
05:47 I think they're great.
05:48 I never understood when the kids
05:49 couldn't find the flag in the nose at the end.
05:52 I was like, "It's just- what are you doing?"
05:54 But there was so much snot coming out of it.
05:57 Whatever. I blame the goggles.
06:02 What do I miss most about the 2000's?
06:03 Probably, um, not having to worry
06:05 if my hair falls into a side part.
06:07 It's definitely one thing I miss.06:09 Very little.
06:11 I miss very little about the 2000's.
06:13 You know what I miss about the 2000's
06:15 is, um, I miss not having this gut.

- used in reference to a feeling or reaction based on an instinctive emotional response rather than considered thought (e.g. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong.)

06:18 What I miss most about the 2000's
06:19 has gotta be joutfits, honey.

- an outfit made completely of jean material

06:21 I love a jean outfit a jean top, a jean bottom,
06:24 a jean ball gown, very fun.
06:26 Um, skinny jeans, I still like 'em.
06:28 But now I can't wear them. [laughing]
06:31 It's against the rules.
06:32 Being able to eat whatever I want...
06:35 and not have... this situation.
06:38 And also just, um, aim. I love, like, instant messaging.
06:42 I use to love instant messaging my friends, and I feel like,
06:44 I know everybody can text and everything, but it was
06:46 just a different feeling when you got on aim.
06:49 I would say, really, the only thing I miss
06:51 is the giant platform shoes that they made me wear
06:54 in the first season so that I could be as tall

- used to introduce a clause of purpose (e.g. It takes quite a while for these emotions to settle, so that you can think more objectively.)


06:56 as Miranda and Jennette.
06:57 The padding, the extra padding,
06:59 the spare tire, that could go away.
07:03 I'm working on it.

- to spend time producing or improving something (e.g. He'll have to work on getting fit before the game.)
